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Need reliable fuel delivery but not ready to make the investment in a full FASS system? Then take a look at the latest innovation to the FASS product line. The Direct Dodge Replacement fuel pump better known as the DDRP, will replace the Dodge 98.5- 2002 factory fuel pump. Now you have the dependability of FASS brands without the cost of a full system. With a ? an hour or less of install time, you’ll have your injection system fully protected with a reliable 33% increased fuel delivery flow above and beyond your stock fuel pump. Your new DDRP will have a high torque to gear ratio to ensure extreme cold weather starts. The DDRP even includes a 4-year warranty.
The FASS Direct Replacement Pump is a complete replacement diesel fuel left pump for your Dodge Cummins 24V diesel engine and is designed to eliminate the common issues found in factory lift pumps that are known for their costly repairs. The DRP lift pump?s larger motor is strong enough to help supply your diesel truck with a consistent fuel pressure required by your VP44 to produce efficiency and horsepower. Simple to install, the DRP series pump can be installed by any novice mechanic and installs into factory mounting points making it the easiest installation of any aftermarket lift pump.
Factory Fuel Pump Failure
Failure of your factory lift pump is one of the most common component failures for the Dodge Cummins 24 Valve diesel engine. Both stock and modified engine suffer from this issue, with modified engine intensifying the weakness of the factory component, leading to premature failure. The main reasons behind this pumps inability to support the fuel demands for your Cummins engine is the fact that first its a smaller weak motor that is located near the engine. This requires the motor to pull fuel from the fuel tank located at the rear of the truck against the momentum of your moving pickup. As with all diesel lift pumps, motors are designed to be push fuel and when required to suck fuel over a long distance the added strain will overheat the motors, leading to a drop in fuel pressure. Low fuel pressures can cause a decrease in throttle response, fuel economy, horsepower numbers and even cause damage to your VP44 injection pump.
DRP Relocation Brackets
To help the DRP series lift pump perform to its top potential we have designed an optional pump relocation kit that will move the lift pump closer to the fuel tank, reducing the distance the lift pump needs to pull fuel from and instead places fuel under pressure to push diesel to the engine. This is beneficial because all diesel lift pumps perform better as ?Pusher? pump and when under pressure the motor doesn?t need to work as hard to supply the fuel demanded by the injection system. This kit is sold separately.
Larger More Powerful Motor
Factory Replacement Pump
Simple Installation
All Installation Hardware Included
Works With DRP Relocation Kit